« Corazón Desfasado: los favores de una santa para armar y desarmar »

À propos Corazón Desfasado, par Tatiana Navallo

« To Arm and Disarm: The Favors of Saint Corazón Desfasado
Within the context of popular religiosity experienced amongst the Latin American migrant communities, the actions of Helena Martín Franco show us a game of representations that testify to migrants’ expectations and their need to integrate effectively the host society. In order to illustrate the tension between these two feelings, the artist’s performances center on the figure of Corazón Desfasado, a popular saint rooted in the consumer society. This highly stereotyped religious figure has taken different aspects, appearing in the public sphere as well as in cyberspace, and people have been asking her for favours, writing and rewriting their own multilingual prayers. »

Ver el texto completo aquí « Desde una estética desfasada hacia la Generadora de oraciones personalizadas » << –

See the full article in Spanish here – Voir l’article complet en espagnol ici : CORAZÓN DESFASADO: FAVORES DE UNA SANTA PARA ARMAR Y DESARMAR. Tatiana Navallo. Oltreoceano 13. Andanzas entre códigos lingüísticos de la emigración en las Américas. Forum, Editrice Universitaria Udinese. Avril 2017: 39-50. << –

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